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[原创]Onsemi NCP4307同步整流(SR) MOSFET高性能驱动方案

关键词:电源管理 驱动器 Onsemi NCP4307

时间:2022-08-22 11:11:51       来源:中电网

Onsemi公司的NCP4307是用于多个高性能开关电源拓扑的同步整流(SR)MOSFET的高性能驱动器.器件从内部的200V CS引脚自供电,使得高边配置和低VOUT不需要辅助电源.双VCC引脚选择最佳的VCC源来最大限度降低损耗,因此为各种VOUT应用优化了设计.次级边同步整流驱动器用于高效率SMPS拓扑.NCP4307是高性能驱动器,精心控制开关电源的同步整流.由于它的高性能驱动器和用途广泛,可用在各种拓扑中如DCM或CCM反激,准谐振反激和正激.器件具有7A/2A峰值电流沉/源驱动能力,工作电压高达VCC=35V,具有自动轻负载禁止模式,具有超快关断触发器接口/禁止输入(10.5ns).TSOP6封装,无铅器件. 主要用在笔杆子适配器,高功率密度AC/DC电源(手机充电器),LCD TV,所有具有高效率需求的开关电源(SMPS).本文介绍了NCP4307主要特性, 内部电路架构图,多种典型应用案例, 65 W TYPE-C PD3.0 / PPS充电器解决方案评估板主要性能和指标,以及电路图,PCB设计图和材料清单.


The NCP4307 is high performance driver for use with synchronous rectification (SR) MOSFETs in multiple high performance switch mode power supplies topologies. The device will self-supply from an internal 200V CS pin, enabling high side configuration and low VOUT without requiring an auxiliary supply. The dual VCC pin selects the optimal VCC source to minimize losses, thereby optimizing designs for wide range VOUT applications.

Secondary Side Synchronous Rectification Driver for High Efficiency SMPS Topologies

The NCP4307 is high performance driver tailored to control a synchronous rectification MOSFET in switch mode power supplies.



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