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[原创]TI PMP22817汽车SPI可编程栅极驱动器和偏压电源参考设计

关键词:汽车电子 电源管理 栅极驱动器 TI PMP22817

时间:2022-08-26 16:14:45       来源:中电网

TI公司的PMP22817参考设计提供隔离偏压电源和隔离栅极驱动器,用于牵引逆变器和车载充电器的功率开关.偏压电源和驱动器两者为800VDC总线应用提供高隔离(3-kV RMS一分钟)需要.隔离偏压提供24VDC两种+15V和-5V栅极驱动偏压.隔离驱动器提供大电流(高达30A峰值)所需,以便迅速打开和关闭这些大功率开关,并提供先进的保护特性. PMP22817还提供测试的DC/DC单端初级电感转换器SEPIC离开汽车电池电压(6V到42V包括浪涌/ 电压跌落),以提供稳压24V.测试可用于牵引逆变器的大功率碳化硅(SiC)开关.主要用于牵引逆变器的马达控制,车载充电器和无线充电器.本文介绍了参考设计PMP22817 REV主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.


Automotive SPI Programmable Gate Driver and BiasSupply With Integrated Transformer Reference Design

This reference design provides isolated bias supply and isolated gate drivers for power switches intraction inverters and onboard chargers. Both the bias power and driver provide the high isolation (3-kVRMS for 1 minute) needed for 800-VDC bus applications.

The isolated bias provides from 24 VDC both the +15-V and –5-V gate drive biases. The isolated driver provides the high currents (up to 30-A peak) needed to rapidly turn on and off these high-power switches, and offers advanced protection features.

This reference design also provides a tested DC/DC single-ended primary inductor converter SEPIC off automotive battery voltage (6 V to 42 V, including surges and dips) to provide the regulated 24 V...


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