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AKM AK7736B 音频数字信号处理解决方案

关键词:汽车电子 汽车音频系统 汽车导航

时间:2014-03-06 10:25:14       作者:AKM       来源:中电网


The AK7736B is a highly integrated audio digital signal processor with integrated 2ch SRC. It includes internal memories for digital audio processing, that allows surround effect process, time alignment and parametric equalizing. Moreover, the AK7736B can process both data and filter coefficients as floating point data so that high accuracy IIR/FIR filter performance can be achieved easily. The AK7736B can operate a hands-free software by AKM as well as sound processing, by programs downloaded via the microprocessor interface.


      · Applications: Car Navigations, Car Audio Systems
      · DSP Block
            - Word length: 24-bit
            - Processing Speed: 8.1 ns (2560step/fs; fs = 48kHz)..


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