Infineon公司的iMOTION™ IMC100系列产品是高度集成的永磁同步马达(PMSM)控制器件. IMC101器件控制单个马达而IMC102器件控制马达又具有增强或图腾柱功率因素修正(PFC). IMC100系列产品是基于Infineon的运动控制引擎(MCE),集成了所有的确硬件和软件功能,以实现用于永磁马达的闭环无传感器或可选择传感器的控制算法.运动控制引擎(MCE)容易实现可变速度驱动.主要用在冰箱压缩机,电冰箱,家用电器,泵和风扇以及其它PMSM驱动.本文介绍了MOTION™ IMC10主要特性,框图和应用框图,IMC101单分流配置图,腿分流配置图,IMC102带升压PFC控制的单分流配置图和带图腾柱PFC的单分流配置图以及冰箱压缩机驱动器参考设计板REF_Fridge_C101T_6ED主要特性,硬件连接图和电路图,材料清单以及PCB设计图.
iMOTION™ IMC100 is a family of highly integrated ICs for the control of variable speed drives. By integrating boththe required hardware and software to perform control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)they provide the shortest time to market for any motor system at the lowest system and development cost.
The integrated script engine allows to add application flexibility without interfering with the motor and PFC control algorithm.
iMOTION™ IMC100 is a series of highly integrated ICs for the control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor(PMSM). IMC101 devices provide control of a single motor while the IMC102 devices control the motor andadditionally a boost or totem pole power factor correction (PFC).