Microchip公司的ATmega3208/3209微处理器是采用AVR®处理器的megaAVR® 0系列中一员,具有硬件乘法器,工作频率高达20MHz,提供各种闪存(高达48KB),SRAM(高达6KB)和256B EEPROM,以及采用28引脚,32引脚,40引脚或48引脚封装.闪存读写周期10000次,EEPROM 100,000次, 55℃时数据保存期为40年.可配置定制逻辑(CCL)有多达四个可编查找边(LUT).器件还集成了带可选择基准输入的模拟比较器(AC),10比特150ksps ADC,5个可选择内部电压基准: 0.55V, 1.1V, 1.5V, 2.5V和4.3V,多达41个可编程I/O线,具有汽车应用的AEC-Q100规范.工作温度-40℃ 到 +125℃:本文介绍了ATmega3208主要特性,框图以及开发板AVR-BLE主要特性,电路图和PCB装配图.
The ATmega3208/3209 microcontrollers are part of the megaAVR® 0-series, which uses the AVR® processor with hardware multiplier running at up to 20 MHz, and offers a wide range of Flash sizes up to 48 KB, up to 6 KB of SRAM, and 256 bytes of EEPROM in 28-, 32-, 40-, or 48-pin packages. The series uses the latest technologies from Microchip with a flexible and low-power architecture, including Event System and SleepWalking, accurate analog features, and advanced peripherals.
The devices described in this data sheet offer 32 KB in a 28/32/48-pin package.
– Single-cycle I/O access
– Two-level interrupt controller
– Two-cycle hardware multiplier
• Memories:..