关键词:ARM Cortex-R4 MCU 电动汽车 EV/HEV
时间:2018-01-15 10:36:47 作者:TI 来源:中电网
TI公司的TIDM-TMS570BMS是高性能电动汽车/混合动力汽车(EV/HEV)电池管理系统参考设计,包括LAUNCHXL-TMS57004板和EM1402 EVM板.参考设计采用TMS570LS0x32 16位/32位RISC闪存微控制器(MCU),集成了ARM Cortex-R4 CPU,具有1.66 DMIPS/MHz性能,工作频率可高达80MHz,132 DMIPS,支持BE32格式,同时还集成了384KB/256KB闪存和32KB数据RAM.参考设计TIDM-TMS570BMS主要用在电动汽车和混合动力汽车(EV,HEV,PHEV和轻度混合),能量存储系统(ESS),不间断电源(UPS)和电动自行车和电动摩托车.本文介绍了TMS570LS0x32系列主要特性,框图和高性能EV/HEV电池管理系统参考设计TIDM-TMS570BMS主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.
The TMS570LS0432/0332 device is a high-performance automotive-grade microcontroller for safetysystems. The safety architecture includes dual CPUs in lockstep, CPU and Memory BIST logic, ECC onboth the flash and the data SRAM, parity on peripheral memories, and loopback capability on peripheralI/Os.
The TMS570LS0432/0332 device integrates the ARM Cortex-R4 CPU. The CPU offers an efficient1.66 DMIPS/MHz, and has configurations that can run up to 80 MHz, providing up to 132 DMIPS. Thedevice supports the big-endian (BE32) format.