时间:2014-10-29 10:36:53 作者:Maxim 来源:中电网
Maxim公司的MAX11044系列是16/14位4/6/8输入通路的模数转换器(ADC),具有单独的跟踪/保持电路(T/H)和SAR电路,每路的取样频率250ksps,T/H输入带宽4MHz,20MHz双向并行接口,主要用在自动测试设备,功率因素监测和修正,电网保护,多相马达控制以及震动和波形分析.本文介绍了MAX11044系列主要特性,框图,以及三相Petaluma (MAXREFDES30#)子系统参考设计框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The MAX11044/MAX11044B/MAX11045/MAX11045B/MAX11046/MAX11046B 16-bit and MAX11054/MAX11055/MAX11056 14-bit ADCs offer 4, 6, or 8 independent input channels. Featuring independent track and hold (T/H) and SAR circuitry, these parts provide simultaneous sampling at 250ksps for each channel.
The MAX11044/MAX11044B/MAX11045/MAX11045B/ MAX11046/MAX11046B and MAX11054/MAX11055/ MAX11056 accept a ±5V input. All inputs are overrange protected with internal ±20mA input clamps providing overrange protection with a simple external resistor. Other features include a 4MHz T/H input bandwidth, internal clock, and internal or external reference. A 20MHz, bidirectional, parallel interface provides the conversion results and accepts digital configuration inputs.