IR 公司的IRAUDAMP8是采用IRS2093M D类音频控制器和DirectFET MOSFET IRF6665的 4路120W D类音频功率放大器,包括了所有所需的电源,每路能向4欧姆提供120W,效率为90%.在60W和4欧姆时THD+N为0.012%,具有多种保护特性,包括高边和低边的过流保护(OCP),欠压保护(UVP)以及过压保护,超温保护(OTP),可用在AV接收器,家庭影院系统,有源扬声器,音乐仪表放大器,汽车电子放大器以及迷你立体声音响等.本文介绍了IRAUDAMP8的主要特性和指标, D类放大器简化方框图和电路图以及放大器所用电子元件和`机械元件清单(BOM).
120W x 4 Channel Class D Audio Power Amplifier Using the IRS2093M and IRF6665
图1. IRAUDAMP8参考设计完形图
The IRAUDAMP8 Demo board is a reference design which uses only one IC (IRS2093M) to derive appropriate input signals, amplify the audio input, and achieve a four-channel 120 W/ch (4Ω) half-bridge Class D audio power amplifier. The reference design demonstrates how to use the IRS2093M Class D audio controller and gate driver IC, implement protection circuits, and design an optimum PCB layout using IRF6665 DirectFET MOSFETs. The reference design contains all the required housekeeping power supplies for ease of use. The four-channel design is scalable, for power and number of channels.

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