Rohm 公司的BD95513MUV 是在低输出电压(0.7V-5.0V)能提供高输出电流(高达3A)的开关稳压器,输入电压从4.5V到28V. BD95513MUV集成了低导通电阻的功率N-MOSFET, 5V线性电压稳压器以及DC/DC转换器控制器,可选择简单轻负载模式(SLLM),静止轻负载模式和强迫连续模式. BD95513MUV主要用在笔记本电脑,台式计算机,LCD-TV以及数字家用电器设备.本文介绍了BD95513MUV的主要特性,方框图以及评估板电路和所用材料清单(BOM).
BD95513MUV is a switching regulator capable of supplying high current output (up to 3A) at low output voltages (0.7V to 5.0V) over a broad range of input voltages (4.5V to 28V). The regulator features an internal N-MOSFET power transistor for high efficiency and low space consumption, while incorporating ROHMs proprietary H3RegTM control mode technology, yielding the industrys fastest transient response time against load changes. SLLM (Simple Light Load Mode) technology is also integrated to improve efficiency when powering lighter loads, as well as soft start, variable frequency, short-circuit protection with timer latch, over-voltage protection, and REF functions. This regulator is suited for PC applications.
BD95513MUV 主要特性:
Internal low ON-resistance power N-MOSFET
Internal 5V linear voltage regulator
Integrated H3RegTM DC / DC converter controller..

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