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Atmel AT91SAM9G20 32位MCU开发评估方案

关键词:工业控制 数据采集 MCU

时间:2009-07-16 16:04:00       来源:Atmel

Atmel公司的AT91SAM9G20是 32位ARM闪存MCU和嵌入MPU,嵌入了以太网MAC,USB设备端口和USB主控制论. AT91SAM9G20采用ARM926EJ-S处理器,并集成了块速ROM和RAM存储器以及大量的外设如USART, SPI, TWI,定时器计数器,同步串行控制器,ADC和多媒体卡接口. AT91SAM9G20的CPU可工作到400MHz,有32KB数据高速缓存和指令高速缓存以及写入缓冲器. AT91SAM9G20具有低功耗和容易使用的特点,广泛应用于系统控制,有线和无线连接,用户接口管理,以及诸如POS终端,安全系统,建筑物自动化,工业控制,医疗和白色家电,PC和手机附件等.本文介绍了AT91SAM9G20的主要特性,方框图以及AT91SAM9G20-EK 评估板详细电路图和材料清单.

Atmels AT91SAM 32-bit ARM Flash MCUs and Embedded MPUs are designed for system control, wired & wireless connectivity, user interface management, low power and ease of use. They have received wide acceptance in markets like POS terminals, security, building automation, industrial control, medical, white goods, PC and gaming peripherals, toys and cellular phone accessories. A comprehensive and high-quality eco-system provides access to development tools, Flash programming, software and worldwide technical support.


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