Fairchild公司的192W LCD TV电源方案采用FSFR系列器件FSFR2100,额定输出功率192W,输出电压24V/8A,输入电压400V,效率大于94%,具有多种保护功能以增加系统可靠性.本文介绍了FSFR2100的主要特性,功能方框图, LLC谐振半桥转换器典型应用电路以及FSFR2100评估板电路图和材料清单(BOM).
The FSFR-series are a highly integrated power switches designed for high-efficiency half-bridge resonant converters. Offering everything necessary to build a reliable and robust resonant converter, the FSFR-series simplifies designs and improves productivity, while improving performance. The FSFR-series combines power MOSFETs with fast-recovery type body diodes, a high-side gate-drive circuit, an accurate current
controlled oscillator, frequency limit circuit, soft-start, and built-in protection functions. The high-side gate-drive circuit has a common-mode noise cancellation capability, which guarantees stable operation with excellent noise immunity. The fast-recovery body diode
of the MOSFETs improves reliability against abnormal operation conditions, while minimizing the effect of the reverse recovery. Using the zero-voltage-switching (ZVS)..

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