ST公司的 TSH120是视频缓冲放大器,包括有内部增益为6dB的电压负反馈放大器,轨到轨输出,输入偏置和SAG修正.内部还有能衰减27MHz寄生的重建滤波器. TSH120有非常低的功耗,可提供待机模式,工作电压从2.2V到5.5V,主要用于照相手机,数码相机,数字摄像机和STB与DVD视频输入.本文介绍了TSH120的主要特性, 带输出电容和不带输出电容的电路图, TSH120评估板电路图以及评估板材料清单(BOM).
The TSH120 is a video buffer that includes a voltage feedback amplifier with an internal gain of 6dB, rail-to-rail output, internal input biasing and SAG correction. A power down function offers a sleep mode with ultra low consumption. The TSH120 also features an internal reconstruction filter in order to attenuate the parasitic 27MHz frequency from the clock of the video DAC.
■Very low consumption
■Standby mode available
■Internal reconstruction filter
■Internal gain of 6dB
■Rail-to-rail output
■Tested with +2.5V and +3.3V single supply
■Operation supply from +2.2V to +5.5V
■SAG correction
■Excellent video performance
Differential gain 0.5%
Differential phase 0.5°
Group delay=10ns
■Specified for 150load
■Input DC level shifter
■Min. and max. limits are tested in full production
■Camera phones
■Digital still camera
■Digital video camera..

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