Maxim公司的MAX19997A是双路下变换混频器,能为1800MHz 到2900MHz频段的基带应用提供高线性和低噪音,支持低边和高边LO注入架构,低边配置提供8.7dB增益, +24dBm 输入IP3和10.3dB NF;高边配置时提供8.7dB增益, +24dBm 输入IP3和10.4dB NF.MAX19997A可应用在2.3GHz WCS 基站,2.5GHz WiMAX和LTE 基站,2.7GHz MMDS 基站以及UMTS/WCDMA 和dma2000® 3G,PCS1900 与EDGE,PHS/PAS等基站,固定宽带无线接入,无线本地网络,私人无线电台和军事系统.本文介绍了MAX19997A的主要特性,方框图和应用电路图以及2400MHz到2900MHz与1950MHz标准RF频段应用电路元件表.
The MAX19997A dual downconversion mixer is a versatile, highly integrated diversity downconverter that provides high linearity and low noise figure for a multitude of 1800MHz to 2900MHz base-station applications. The MAX19997A fully supports both low- and high-side LO injection architectures for the 2300MHz to 2900MHz WiMAX™, LTE, WCS, and MMDS bands, providing 8.7dB gain, +24dBm input IP3, and 10.3dB NF in the low-side configuration, and 8.7dB gain, +24dBm input IP3, and 10.4dB NF in the high-side configuration. Highside LO injection architectures can be further extended down to 1800MHz with the addition of one tuning element (a shunt inductor) on each RF port...

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