Cirrus Logic公司的CS4353是完整的立体声数模转换系统,包括有数字插入,5阶多比特delta-sigma数模转换,数字去加重,模拟滤波和从3.3V电源的片内2VRMS电平驱动器. CS4353具有理想的差分线性度,不会由于电阻匹配误差所造成的失真,也没有时间和温度上的线性漂移,对时钟抖动有高容差,以及外接元件数最少,可用在视频游戏控制台,DVD播放器和刻录机,A/V接收机,机顶盒和数字电视等.本文介绍了CS4353的主要特性,方框图,应用连接图和评估板CDB4353的主要特性, 方框图,电路图和元件分布图.
The CS4353 is a complete stereo digital-to-analog system including digital interpolation, fifth-order multi-bit delta-sigma digital-to-analog conversion, digital de-emphasis, analog filtering, and on-chip 2 VRMS line-level driver from a 3.3 V supply.
The advantages of this architecture include ideal differential linearity, no distortion mechanisms due to resistor matching errors, no linearity drift over time and temperature,
high tolerance to clock jitter, and a minimal set of external components.
The CS4353 is available in a 24-pin QFN package in both Automotive (-40°C to +105°C) and Commercial (-40°C to +85°C) grades. The CDB4353 Customer Demonstration Board is also available for device evaluation and implementation suggestions.

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