Maxim 公司的MAX9856是高性能低功耗立体声CODEC,适用于手机,MP3,PMP或其它手持多媒体设备. MAX9856提供麦克风输入放大器和灵活的输入选择,信号混合和自动增益控制(AGC).电源1.8V时能向32欧姆耳机提供30mW输出,线输出为1Vrm. MAX9856集成了18位立体声DAC(取样频率96kHz)和ADC(取样频率48kHz),主时钟频率从10MHz到60MHz.本文介绍了MAX9856的主要特性,方框图,以及MAX9856评估套件的主要特性,所用元件列表以及详细的电路图.
The MAX9856 is a high-performance, low-power stereo audio CODEC designed for MP3, personal media players (PMPs), or other portable multimedia devices. Using on-board stereo DirectDrive headphone amplifiers, the CODEC can output 30mW into stereo 32ohm headphones while operating from a single 1.8V power supply. Very low 9mW playback power consumption makes it an ideal choice for battery-powered applications.
The MAX9856 provides microphone input amplifiers, plus flexible input selection, signal mixing, and automatic gain control (AGC). Comprehensive loadimpedance sensing allows the MAX9856 to autodetect most common audio and audio/video headset and jack plug types.
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