Maxim公司的MAX9242/MAX9244/MAX9246/MAX9254能把三路LVDS串行数据输入转换成21路单端LVCMOS/ LVTTL输出.单端数据和时钟输出可编程±2%, ±4%或没有扩展频谱,以降低EMI.而扩展频谱能工作在DC平衡模式(16MHz-34MHz)或非DC平衡模式(20MHz-40MHz),广泛用在汽车电子导航系统.DVD娱乐系统以及数字复印机和激光打印机.本文介绍了MAX9242/MAX9244/MAX9246/MAX9254的主要特性, 功能方框图, AC耦合与DC平衡模式方框图, DC耦合与非DC平衡模式方框图,以及MAX9209/MAX9244评估板的主要特性, 所用元件列表与评估板电路图.
The MAX9242/MAX9244/MAX9246/MAX9254 deserialize three LVDS serial-data inputs into 21 single-ended LVCMOS/ LVTTL outputs. A separate parallel-rate LVDS clock provides the timing for deserialization. The MAX9242/ MAX9244/MAX9246/MAX9254 feature spread-spectrum capability, allowing the output data and clock frequency to spread over a specified range to reduce EMI. The single- ended data and clock outputs are programmable for a frequency spread of ±2%, ±4%, or no spread. The spread-spectrum function is also available when the MAX9242/MAX9244/MAX9246/MAX9254 operate in non- DC-balanced mode. The modulation rate of the spread is 32kHz for a 33MHz LVDS clock input and scales linearly with frequency. The single-ended outputs have a separate supply, allowing +1.8V to +5V output logic levels...

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