Xilinx公司的Spartan-3E系列FPGA有五个品种,容量从10万到160万系统门,采用先进的90nm工艺技术,具有MicroBlaze 和PicoBlaze嵌入处理器核,支持高达333Mbps的DDR SDRAM,特别适合大批量对成本敏感的消费类电子产品应用.本文介绍了Spartan-3E系列FPGA的主要特性, 架构图以及采用Spartan-3E的汽车电子ECU 开发套件XA3S1600E的主要特性,开发板方框图以及开发板详细电路图.
The Spartan®-3E family of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is specifically designed to meet the needs of high volume, cost-sensitive consumer electronic applications. The five-member family offers densities ranging from
100,000 to 1.6 million system gates.
The Spartan-3E family builds on the success of the earlier Spartan-3 family by increasing the amount of logic per I/O, significantly reducing the cost per logic cell. New features
improve system performance and reduce the cost of configuration.
These Spartan-3E FPGA enhancements, combined with advanced 90 nm process technology, deliver more functionality and bandwidth per dollar than was previously
possible, setting new standards in the programmable logic industry...
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