Catalyst 公司的CAT4201是350mA高效率降压LED驱动器,它能驱动大电流LED.
CAT4201 350mA High Efficiency Step Down LED Driver
The CAT4201 is a high efficiency step-down converter optimized to drive high current LEDs. A patent-pending switching control algorithm allows highly efficient and accurate LED current regulation. A single RSET resistor sets the full scale LED string current up to 350mA from supplies as high as 28V.
The switching architecture of the CAT4201 results in extremely low internal power dissipation allowing the device to be housed in a tiny package without the need for dedicated heat sinking. The device is compatible with switching frequencies of up to 1MHz, making it ideal for applications requiring small footprint and low value external inductors.
Analog dimming and LED shutdown control is provided via a single input pin, CTRL. Additional
features include overload current protection and thermal shutdown. The device is available in the low profile 5-lead thin SOT23 package and is ideal for space constrained applications.
LED drive current up to 350mA..

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