Power Integrations公司的TOPSwitch-HX系列是成本效益器件,在单个器件内集成了700V功率MOSFET,高压开关电流源,PWM控制,振荡器,热关断电路,故障保护以及其它控制电路.通用交流电压输入,在不加散热器的情况下,输出功率可高达35W,待机输入功率1W时的输出功率,在110V AC时大于600mW,而在265V AC输入时大于500mW.本文介绍了该系列中的TOP254-258系列的主要性能特点,以及进行开关电源设计所需的材料,包括各种应用电路图。
TOP254-258 TOPSwitch-HX Family
TOPSwitch-HX cost effectively incorporates a 700 V power MOSFET, high voltage switched current source, PWM control, oscillator, thermal shutdown circuit, fault protection and other control circuitry onto a monolithic device.
Lower System Cost, Higher Design Flexibility
Multi-mode operation maximizes effi ciency at all loads
No heatsink required up to 35 W using P, G and M packageswith universal input voltage and up to 48 W at 230 VAC
Output overvoltage protection (OVP) is user programmable for latching/non-latching shutdown with fast AC reset
Allows both primary and secondary sensing
Line undervoltage (UV) detection prevents turn-off glitches
Line overvoltage (OV) shutdown extends line surge limit
Accurate programmable current limit
Optimized line feed-forward for line ripple rejection..

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