关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 LED驱动器 MR16灯
时间:2014-08-05 09:07:12 作者:On Semi 来源:中电网
On Semi公司的CAT4201是高效的DC/DC降压转换器.采用专利的开关控制算法允许高效和精确LED电流调整.LED驱动电流高达350mA,和12V与24V标准系统兼容,效率高达94%,LED开路和短路保护,主要用在12V和24V照明系统,汽车和飞机照明,通用高亮350mA LED.本文介绍了CAT4201主要特性,框图,典型应用电路图, 评估板CAT4201AGEVB电路图和材料清单以及三个LED 300mA MR16灯驱动器电路图,材料清单.
The CAT4201 is a high efficiency step−down converter optimized to drive high current LEDs. A patented switching control algorithm allows highly efficient and accurate LED current regulation. A single RSET resistor sets the full scale LED string current up to 350 mA from supplies as high as 36 V.
The switching architecture of the CAT4201 results in extremely low internal power dissipation allowing the device to be housed in a tiny package without the need for dedicated heat sinking. The device is compatible with switching frequencies of up to 1 MHz, making it ideal for applications requiring small footprint and low value external inductors.