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[原创]Infineon IMD112T-6F040智能马达驱动方案

关键词:马达驱动 消费类电子 家用电器 Infineon IMD112T-6F040

时间:2022-03-15 15:57:08       来源:中电网

Infineon公司的iMOTION IMD111T/IMD112T是控制可变速度驱动的高度集成电路,集成了具有高压三相栅极驱动器和一个电压稳压器的马达控制器.马达控制器采用运动控制引擎(MCE)来创建即用解决方案,实施永磁同步马达(PMSM)控制,以最低系统成本和开发成本提供任何马达系统以最短时间面市.集成的脚本引擎允许增加应用灵活性而不干扰马达和PFC控制算法. IMD111T/IMD112T在单封装内集成了控制器,高压三相栅极驱动器和电压稳压器.控制器PWM输出内部连接到栅极驱动器输入.两个控制器数字引脚也连接到栅极驱动器使能输入和栅极驱动器的故障输出.集成的电压稳压器产生控制器5V电源,能共享栅极驱动器的同一15V电源轨.小型LQFP-40封装改善了电气间隙和爬电距离.主要用在小型和大型家用电器,风扇,泵和压缩机以及通用的可变速度驱动.本文介绍了IMD112T-6F040主要特性,框图,马达驱动框图和单分路应用框图以及评估板EVAL-M7-HVIGBT-INV主要特性和指标,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.


iMOTION™IMD110-6 is a family of highly integrated ICs for the control of variable speed drives. It integrates a motor controller with a high voltage three phase gate driver and a voltage regulator.

The motor controller uses the Motion Control Engine (MCE) to create a ready-to-use solution to perform control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) providing the shortest time to market for any motor system at the lowest system and development cost. The integrated script engine allows to add application flexibility without interfering with the motor and PFC control algorithm.



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