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On Semi NCP1251 20W低成本离线开关电源解决方案

关键词:电源管理 AC/DC转换器 开关电源 PWM

时间:2011-08-30 10:11:53       作者:On Semi       来源:NCP1251

On Semi公司的NCP1251是高度集成的PWM控制器,电源电压高达28V,固定频率65kHz或100kHz电流模式控制,内部有可调的超功率保护(OPP)电路,内部有4ms的软起动,+300 mA /−500 mA 源/沉驱动能力,220VAC时的待机功耗小于100mW,EPS 2.0 兼容,主要用在TV,STB和打印机的AC/DC转换器,笔记本和上网本的离线适配器.本文介绍了NCP1251主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路以及20-25W低成本离线电源主要特性,指标和设计电路图与相应元器件数值.

The NCP1251 is a highly integrated PWM controller capable of delivering a rugged and high performance offline power supply in a tiny TSOP−6 package. With a supply range up to 28 V, the controller hosts a jittered 65 kHz or 100 kHz switching circuitry operated in peak current mode control. When the power on the secondary side starts to decrease, the controller automatically folds back its switching frequency down to a minimum level of 26 kHz. As the power further goes down, the part enters skip cycle while limiting the peak current.


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