关键词:电源管理 LED驱动器 Maxim MAX25512
时间:2021-08-26 13:29:44 来源:中电网
Maxim公司的MAX25512是四路白光LED背景光驱动器,集成了电流模式升压转换器,工作开关频率从400kHz到2.2MHz和可用扩频.输出通路的相移还能进一步降低电磁干扰(EMI).器件的每路提供高达120mA电流,包括控制输出外接nMOS系统开关.起动后可工作低至3V.MAX25512具有I2C接口,能够灵活控制和进行详细诊断.200Hz时的调光比例为16667:1.NTC输入用于高温时LED电流折返.器件具有混合调光功能,内置了可编自动变暗功能,采用I2C和FLTB输出进行详细诊断.器件满足汽车规范AECQ100 Grade 1.MAX25512工作温度从-40C 到+125C,采用紧凑的4x4mmTQFN封装.主要用在汽车仪表盘,汽车中心信息显示器和汽车平视显示器.本文介绍了MAX25512主要优势和特性,简化框图和功能框图,以及应用电路图-SEPIC和评估板MAX25512 EVK主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The MAX25512 is a four-channel white LED backlight driverwith an integrated current-mode boost converter whichoperates over a switching frequency range of 400kHz to2.2MHz and incorporates spread spectrum. Phase-shiftingof the output channels is included as an option to furtherreduce electromagnetic interference (EMI).
The device provides up to 120mA per channel and includesa control output for an external nMOS seriesswitch. It is capable of operating down to 3V after startup.
The MAX25512 has an I2C interface to enable flexibility ofcontrol and detailed diagnostics.
The MAX25512 is available in a compact TQFN packageand operates over the temperature range -40C to+125C.