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关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 LCD驱动器

时间:2021-05-27 13:52:17       来源:中电网

ST公司的L6981CDR是容易使用的同步单片降压稳压器,能够对负载提供高达1.5A DC.宽输入电压范围使器件很适合与各种应用.L6981是基于峰值电流模式架构,采用有内部补偿的SO8封装,从而最大限度降低设计复杂性和尺寸.器件有两种模式:低功耗模式(LCM)和低噪音模式(LNM).LCM最大化轻负载时的效率和控制输出电压波纹,因此,器件很适合用于电池供电的应用.LNM可使开关频率不变,最大限度降低轻负载时的输出电压波纹,从而满足低噪音敏感的应用要求.器件的输入电压为3.5V到38V,输出电压从0.85V到VIN,输出电流为1.5A DC,内部补偿网络,关断电流为2 μA.内部软起动.器件有过压保护和输出电压顺序以及热保护,对LNM器件可同步到外部时钟.主要用在24V总线工业电源系统,24V电池供电设备,传感器和常开的应用,分散智能节点以及低噪音应用.本文介绍了L6981CDR主要特性,框图和电性能指标,基本应用电路,评估板STEVAL-L6981CDR主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The L6981 is an easy to use synchronous monolithic step-down regulator capable

of delivering up to 1.5 A DC to the load. The wide input voltage range makes the

device suitable for a broad range of applications. The L6981 is based on a peak

current mode architecture and is packaged in an SO8 with internal compensation,

thus minimizing design complexity and size.

The L6981 is available both in low consumption mode (LCM) and low noise mode

(LNM) versions. LCM maximizes the efficiency at light-load with controlled output

voltage ripple so the device is suitable for battery-powered applications. LNM makes



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