NXP公司的NTBMS电池管理系统,适用于汽车电池管理系统,用作锂电池的起动电池或辅助电池. NTBMS平台设计具有高度可靠性和安全性,和ISO 26262 ASIL C兼容.锂电池管理系统包括电池监测,电流测量,无源电池平衡,电池断路器控制,电池参数提取(充电状态,健康状态)的计算单元以及通过CAN和其它ECU通信.平台集成了高达ASIL C的系统诊断,过流保护,过充电保护,超温保护,过压保护,欠压保护(短路),非预期继电器关闭保护,非预期继电器开路保护和碰撞检测输入.主要用在汽车BMS锂电池起动电池,汽车辅助电池BMS,智能电网以及其它电池管理系统(医疗,电动自行车,轻型运输和工业).本文介绍了NTBMS主要特性,技术数据,框图和系统框图,系统连接框图与电路图.
NTBMS is a Battery Management System for manufacturer ofautomotive Battery Systems, used as Starter Battery or AuxiliaryBattery with Li-Ion cells.
The NTBMS platform is designed for systems with high demandon reliability and safety in compliance with ISO 26262 ASIL C.
NTBMS is a generic safety reference design for BMS developedin cooperation with NXP. The Battery Management System of Li-Ion battery includes cell monitoring, current sensing, passive cellbalancing, battery breaker control, computation unit for Batteryparameter extraction (such as State of Charge, State of Health)and communication to other ECU through CAN.