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[原创] ST SPC572L64EPower Architecture MCU汽车动力总成解决方案

关键词:Power Architecture MCU 汽车电子 汽车动力总成

时间:2019-08-12 09:47:07       来源:中电网

ST公司的SPC572L64E是高性能32位汽车Power Architecture® MCU,设计主要用在汽车动力总成(PWT)应用如单缸或双缸马达的电子燃油喷射(EFI).SPC572L MCU嵌入了功能强大的通用时时器(GTM)模块计时器,用在EFI引擎管理系统,以保证精确地喷射和点火正时,对引擎排放和消耗性能具有直接的影响力.此外,器件还具有增强的特性如多种信号转换功能(爆燃监测,缸内压力信号预处理等),以及其综合的外设集,包括SENT和以太网接口.SPC572L64E具有PowerPC e200z2核,工作频率80MHz,并嵌入1.5MB闪存.满足AEC-Q100规范,单电源5 V +/-10%工作.本文介绍了SPC572L64E3主要特性,框图以及评估板SPC572L-DISP主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

SPC572L is part of our High-Performance class of 32-bit Automotive Power Architecture® microcontrollers (MCUs). It is designed for entry-line powertrain (PWT) applications such as electronic fuel injection (EFI) for mono- or bi-cylinder motors.

The SPC572L MCUs embeds the powerful GTM (Generic Timer Module) timer, used in EFI engine management systems to ensure accurate injection and ignition timings with a direct effect on engine emission and consumption performance. Moreover, the SPC572L includes enhanced features such as multiple signal conversion capabilities (knock detection, in-cylinder pressure signal preprocessing, etc.) and a comprehensive peripherals set, including SENT and Ethernet interfaces.


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