时间:2018-08-07 11:27:53 作者:Microchip 来源:中电网
The PAC1932/3/4 are two, three and four-channelpower and energy monitoring devices. A high-voltagemultiplexer sequentially connects the inputs to a busvoltage monitor and current sense amplifier that feedhigh-resolution ADCs. Digital circuitry performs power calculations and energy accumulation.
This enables energy monitoring with integrationperiods from 1 ms up to 36 hours or longer. Busvoltage, sense resistor voltage and accumulatedproportional power are stored in registers for retrievalby the system master or Embedded Controller.
The sampling rate and energy integration period can becontrolled over SMBus or I2C. Active channel selection,one-shot measurements and other controls are alsoconfigurable by SMBus or I2C.