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[原创] Adafruit SGP30气体传感器解决方案

关键词:气体传感器 消费类电子 空气净化器 智能家居 物联网(IoT)

时间:2018-05-29 10:37:38       作者:Adafruit       来源:中电网

Adafruit公司的SGP30是数字多像素气体传感器,采用Sensirion公司的CMOSens®技术,在单片上提供完整的传感器系统,包括数字I2C接口,温度控制的微加热板和两个预处理室内空气质量信号,从而提供更多空气质量的更详细信息.主要用在室内空气质量应用,空调, 空气净化器,智能家居和物联网 (IoT).本文介绍了SGP30气体传感器主要性能,功能框图,以及SGP30空气质量传感器分线板电路图和PCB设计图.

The SGP30 is a digital multi-pixel gas sensor designed for easy integration into air purifier, demand-controlled ventilation, and IoT applications. Sensirion’s CMOSens® technology offers a complete sensor system on a single chip featuring a digital I2C interface, a temperature controlled micro hotplate, and two preprocessed indoor air quality signals. As the first metal-oxide gas sensor featuring multiple sensing elements on one chip, the SGP30 provides more detailed information about the air quality.


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