关键词:ARM Cortex-M4 MCU 物联网 IoT Wi-Fi
时间:2018-05-02 10:34:53 作者:TI 来源:中电网
TI公司的CC3220R是SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®和物联网(IoT)单片无线MCU平台,包括Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®低功耗, Sub-1 GHz和主MCU以及丰富工具组合.应用处理器ARM® Cortex®-M4 MCU(工作频率80MHz)具有用户专用的256KB RAM和可选的1MB XIP闪存;网络处理器MCU运行所有Wi-Fi和互联网逻辑层,基于ROM的子系统包括802.11b/g/n无线电,基带和具有强大加密引擎的MAC,主要用在云连接,互联网网关,家庭和建筑物自动化,家用电器,接入控制,安全系统,智能能源,工业控制,智能插座和计量,无线音频,IP网络传感器节点,资产跟踪和医疗设备.本文介绍了CC3220R主要特性, 硬件和嵌入软件概述图,功能框图,应用电路及其材料清单,以及SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® LaunchPad™ 开发板CC3220-LAUNCHXL主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The CC3220x device is part of the SimpleLink™ microcontroller (MCU) platform which consists of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® low energy, Sub-1 GHz and host MCUs, which all share a common, easy-to-use development environment with a single core software development kit (SDK) and rich tool set. A one-time integration of the SimpleLink platform enables you to add any combination of the portfolio’s devices into your design, allowing 100 percent code reuse when your design requirements change.