关键词:电源管理 DC/DC转换器 TPS543C20 40A
时间:2017-12-06 10:44:59 作者:TI 来源:中电网
TI公司的TPS543C20是4V-16V输入,输出电压0.6-V到5.5-V输出电流40A的同步降压SWIFT™转换器,具有内部自适应的补偿特性的仿真峰值电流模式控制,单独使用的开关频率300kHz-2MHz,堆栈(输出80A)使用的开关频率300kHz-1MHz.其内部积分器和直接放大斜率跟踪环路,无需在宽频率范围内使用外部补偿,使系统设计十分灵活,密集和简单.主要用在无线和有线通信基础设施设备,企业级服务器,交换机和路由器,企业级存储,SSD, ASIC, SoC, FPGA, DSP内核和I/O电源轨.本文介绍了TPS543C20主要特性,功能框图,应用电路图以及0.9V/40A评估模块PWR799EVM主要特性和指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.
The TPS543C20 employs an internally compensatedemulated peak current mode control, with a clocksynchronizable, fixed frequency modulator for EMIsensitivePOL. The internal integrator and directlyamplifying ramp tracking loop eliminate the need forexternal compensation over a wide range offrequencies thereby making the system Designflexible, dense, and simple. Optional API and BodyBraking help improve transient performance bysignificantly reducing undershoot and overshoot,respectively. Integrated NexFET™ MOSFETs withlow-loss switching facilitate high efficiency and deliverup to 40 A in a 5 mm x 7 mm PowerStack™ packagewith a layout friendly thermal pad. Two TPS543C20devices can be stacked together to provide up to 80-A point-of-load.