TI公司的LMG3410是600V 12A单路GaN功率晶体管,集成了FET驱动器和串联MOSFET,具有优异的开关性能和容易使用的逻辑电平输入.25°C时的RDS,on为70-mΩ,传输时延20ns,支持25-100V/ns,单电源12V工作,主要用在服务器/通信AC/DC电源,太阳能逆变器和马达驱动器.本文介绍了LMG3410主要特性,框图和系统框图,典型半桥应用电路以及评估板LMG3410-HB-EVM主要特性,电路图,材料青黄不接和PCB设计图,与之相连接的LMG34XX-BB-EVM电路图和材料清单.
The LMG3410 Single Channel GaN Power Stage is aimed at high-performance power conversion applications where switching performance and fault protection are important. By integrating the FET driver with the series MOSFET, the LMG3410 achieves superior switching performance with an easy-to-use logic-level input. In addition, the normally-off device and logic-level input signal will greatly simplify power designs using this circuit. The drive strength of the LMG3410 is adjustable with a single external resistor to provide in-system adjustability of switching slew rate.
As part of its fault protection features, the LMG3410 module provides built-in over-temperature and over-current protection, indicated by the FAULT output signal. The FAULT signal also serves as a ready signal to indicate the status of the IC.