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[原创] Maxim MAX32600健康测量MCU开发方案

关键词:ARM Cortex-M3 MCU 医疗电子 健康测量 MAX32600

时间:2016-02-05 09:19:44       作者:Maxim       来源:中电网

Maxim公司的MAX32600是健康测量微控制器(MCU),采用工业标准超低功耗ARM Cortex-M3 32位RISC CPU内核,工作频率高达24MHz,集成了健康传感器模拟前端和硬件安全性,256KB闪存,32KB SRAM,2KB指令缓存和高性能模拟外设,数据转换速率高达500ksps,主要用在血糖仪, Galvanic皮肤响应测量,血量仪和可穿戴医疗设备.本文介绍了MAX32600主要特性,框图,简化功能框图以及评估板MAX32600MBED主要特性,框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.

The MAX32600 microcontroller is based on the industry-standard ARM® Cortex®-M3 32-bit RISC CPU operating at up to 24MHz. It includes 256KB of flash memory, 32KB of SRAM, a 2KB instruction cache, and integrated high-performance analog peripherals.

The MAX32600 is available in the following package options: 192-ball, 12mm x 12mm CTBGA; 120-ball, 7mm x 7mm CTBGA; and 108-ball, 5.4mm x 4.3mm WLP.


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