关键词:医疗电子 血压计 MCU PIC24FJ128GC010
时间:2015-10-30 10:22:49 作者:Microchip 来源:中电网
Microchip公司的PIC24FJ128GC010是完整模拟信号链的模拟片上系统,集成了片上高精度16位ADC及10 Msps的12位ADC以及一个DAC,两个运算放大器(运放),并具备能够延长便携式医疗和工业应用电池寿命的超低功耗技术(XLP).主要用在便携式医疗监控设备如血糖仪和血压计,以及便携式监控设备如电压和电流监控器,气体传感器和高转速传感器阵列等工业应用.本文介绍了PIC24FJ128GC010多种特性,框图,以及血压计(BPM)主要亮点,框图和电路图.
The PIC24FJ128GC010 family expands the capabilitiesof the PIC24F family by adding a complete selection ofadvanced analog peripherals to its existing digitalfeatures. This combination, along with its ultralow-power features, Direct Memory Access (DMA) for peripherals, USB On-The-Go (OTG) and a built-in LCDcontroller and driver, makes this family the newstandard for mixed-signal PIC® microcontrollers in oneeconomical and power-saving package.
• 12-Bit, up to 50-Channel,High-Speed,PipelineAnalog-to-Digital Converter (A/D):
- Conversion rates up to 10 Msps
- Compatibility features for low conversion rates
- Flexible operating modes with auto-accumulate,Threshold Detect and channel scan usingsample lists
- Conversion available during Sleep and Idle
• 16-Bit Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D):..