关键词:ARM Cortex-M4 MCU 无线通信 无线PIR照相机
时间:2015-09-18 10:56:54 作者:Atmel 来源:中电网
Atmel公司的SMART SAM4S系列产品是基于32位ARM® Cortex®-M4 RISC内核的高性能闪存的微控制器,工作频率120MHz,集成了多达2048KB闪存和多达160KB SRAM,集成的外设包括带收发器的全速USB器件端口,用于SDIO/SD/MMC的高速MCI和用来连接SRAM,PSRAM,NOR闪存,LCD模块和NAND闪存的外部总线接口,以及2个USART,2个UART,2个TWI,3个SPI,I2S以及PWM计时器,两个3路通用16位计时器,RTC,12位ADC,12位DAC和模拟比较器,主要消费类电子,工业控制和PC外设.本文介绍了SMART SAM4S系列产品主要特性,框图,SAM4S-WPIR-RD参考设计板框图和电路图.
The Atmel®|SMART SAM4S series is a member of a family of Flashmicrocontrollers based on the high-performance 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 RISCprocessor. It operates at a maximum speed of 120 MHz and features up to2048 Kbytes of Flash, with optional dual-bank implementation and cachememory, and up to 160 Kbytes of SRAM. The peripheral set includes a full-speedUSB Device port with embedded transceiver, a high-speed MCI forSDIO/SD/MMC, an External Bus Interface featuring a Static Memory Controller toconnect to SRAM, PSRAM, NOR Flash, LCD Module and NAND Flash, 2USARTs, 2 UARTs, 2 TWIs, 3 SPIs, an I2S, as well as a PWM timer, two 3-channel general-purpose 16-bit timers (with stepper motor and quadraturedecoder logic support), an RTC, a 12-bit ADC, a 12-bit DAC and an analogcomparator.