ST公司的L6472全集成微步进马达驱动器,采用模拟混合信号技术,集成了低RDS(on) DMOS全桥和所有的功率开关以及精确的片上电流检测电路,工作电压8-45V,输出峰值电流7.0A,高达1/16的微步进,非常适合驱动带微步进的两相双极步进马达.本文介绍了L6472主要特性,框图,应用电路以及采用L6472和STM32的评估板EVAL6472H-DISC主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图与元件布局图.
The L6472 device, realized in analog mixed signal technology, is an advanced fully integrated solution suitable for driving two-phase bipolar stepper motors with microstepping. It integrates a dual low RDS(on) DMOS full bridge with all of the power switches equipped with an accurate on-chip current sensing circuitry suitable for non dissipative current control and overcurrent protection. Thanks to a new current control, a 1/16 microstepping is achieved through an adaptive decay mode which outperforms traditional implementations. The digital control core can generate user defined motion profiles with acceleration, deceleration, speed or target position, easily programmed through a dedicated register set.
All application commands and data registers, including those used to set analog values (i.e. current control value, current protection trip point, deadtime, etc.) are sent through a standard 5-Mbit/s SPI.