时间:2014-01-21 11:04:50 作者:Microchip 来源:中电网
Microchip公司的dsPIC33FJ06GS001/101A/102A/202A 和dsPIC33FJ09GS302是集成了高速PWM,ADC和比较器的16位微控制器和数字信号控制器,采用16位dsPIC33F CPU内核,具有代码效率高的架构,两个40位宽累加器,支持位乘法, ±2%内部振荡器, 2.0 mA/MHz动态电流,主要用在数字电源转换.本文介绍了dsPIC33FJ09GS302主要特性,框图, dsPIC33FJ09GS数字电源转换MPLAB入门套件主要特性,框图,电路图,升压和压电路图,以及材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The dsPIC33FJ06GS001/101A/102A/202A and dsPIC33FJ09GS302 devices contain extensive Digital Signal Processor (DSP) functionality with a high-performance, 16-bit microcontroller (MCU) architecture.
Operating Conditions
• 3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +125ºC, DC to 40 MIPS
Core: 16-Bit dsPIC33F CPU
• Code Efficient (C and Assembly) Architecture
• Two 40-Bit Wide Accumulators
• Single-Cycle (MAC/MPY) with Dual Data Fetch
• Single-Cycle Mixed-Sign MUL plus Hardware Divide
• 32-Bit Multiply Support
Clock Management
• ±2% Internal Oscillator
• Programmable PLLs and Oscillator Clock Sources
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)
• Independent Watchdog Timer (WDT)
• Fast Wake-up and Start-up
Power Management
• Low-Power Management modes (Sleep, Idle, Doze)..