关键词:PIC32MZ 32位 MCU 工业控制 网络连接 嵌入系统
时间:2013-11-25 11:30:34 作者:Microchip 来源:中电网
Microchip公司的PIC32MZ是200MHz 32位嵌入联MCU,具有高达2MB闪存,512KB RAM, 10/100以太网MAC,高速USB MAC/PHY和两个CAN端口,处理器性能高达330 DMIPS和3.28 CoreMark/MHz,支持WQVGA图像,可用新一代嵌入设备.本文介绍了PIC32MZ主要特性和框图, MIPS32® microAptiv微处理器核主要特性和框图,以及PIC32MZ嵌入式连接(CE)入门板主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB元件布局图.
The PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity family of 200 MHz 32-bit microcontrollers feature up to 2 Mbytes of flash, 512 Kbytes of RAM, a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, Hi-Speed USB MAC/PHY, and dual CAN ports. The processors yield 330 DMIPS and 3.28 CoreMark/MHz performance, with an interrupt latency of only 10 clock cycles, and have direct support for a WQVGA graphics.
The chips are said to have class-leading code density and have a 28 Ms/s 12-bit A/D converter and a crypto engine with a random number generator. They use Imagination’s MIPS microAptiv core, which includes 159 DSP instructions that enable algorithms with up to 75% fewer cycles than previous MCU versions. QFN, TQFP, VTLA, and LQFP packages with 64 to 144 pins are available starting in December and priced from 6.68 ea/10,000. A starter kit is available.
Operating Conditions
•2.2V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +85ºC, DC to 200 MHz..