时间:2011-07-29 11:42:07 作者:Allegromicro 来源:A8514
Allegromicro公司的A8514是用于小型LCD背光的多输出白光LED驱动器,集成了带功率开关的电流模式升压转换器和四个电流沉.升压转换器能以80mA驱动多达48个LED,每串12个LED.LED沉并联能提供更高电流,多达320mA.器件工作电压5V-40V,开关频率高达2.3MHz,每串LED匹配电流精度0.7% - 0.8%,PWM和模拟调光输入,主要用在汽车信息娱乐系统,汽车仪表盘和汽车中心操控区.本文介绍了A8514主要特性和优势, 方框图,以及多种应用电路.
The A8514 is a multi-output white LED driver for small-size LCD backlighting. It integrates a current-mode boost converter with internal power switch and four current sinks. The boost converter can drive up to 48 LEDs, 12 LEDs per string, at 80 mA. The LED sinks can be paralleled together to achieve even higher LED currents, up to 320 mA. The A8514 can operate with a single power supply, from 5 to 40 V, which allows the part to withstand load dump conditions encountered in automotive systems.