关键词:MCU Renesas RX62N 32位 开发解放方案
时间:2011-03-16 11:15:36 作者:Renesas 来源:RX62N
Renesas公司的RX62N/RX621是32位MCU,采用100MHz的带FPU的32位RX CPU内核,在100MHz时提供165DMIPS,多达512KB闪存,具有以太网,USB 2.0全速主/功能/OTG,CAN,12位ADC,TFT-LCD,RTC以及多达14个通信通路. RX62N/RX621采用低功耗设计和架构,工作电压2.7V-3.6V,运行模式480 μA/MHz,带RTC的深睡眠待机模式和4个降功耗模式,主要用在音频,马达控制,游戏以及通信等领域.本文介绍了RX62N/RX621主要特性,方框图,以及RX62N开发板主要特性,方框图, 开发板方框图和电路图,材料清单以及开发板元件布局图.
RX62N/RX621 Group RENESAS 32-Bit MCU
100 MHz 32-bit RX MCU with FPU, 165 DMIPS, up to 512-Kbyte Flash, Ethernet, USB 2.0 Full-Speed Host/Function/OTG, CAN, 12-bit ADC, TFT-LCD, RTC, up to 14 communication channels
RX62N 主要特性:
■32-bit RX CPU Core
Delivers 165 DMIPS at a maximum operating frequency of 100 MHz
Single Precision 32-bit IEEE-754 Floating Point
Accumulator: 32 × 32 to 64-bit result, one instruction
Mult/Divide Unit, 32 × 32 Multiply in one CPU clock for multiple instructions
Interrupt response in as few as 5 CPU clock cycles
CISC-Harvard Architecture with 5-stage pipeline
Variable length instructions, ultra compact code
Supports the Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
Background JTAG debug plus high-speed trace
■Low Power Design and Architecture