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Cirrus CS5463功率监测参考设计方案

关键词:消费类电子 智能电表

时间:2011-01-19 13:07:51       作者:Cirrus       来源:CS5463

Cirrus 公司的CS5463是完整的功率测量器件,集成了两个ADC,功率计算引擎,能量-频率转换器以及串行接口。能精确测量即时电流和电压,计算VRMS,IRMS,即时功率。表观功率,有用功率和无功功率,适用于单相,2相或三相电表应用。测量动态范围1000:1,读数精度±0.1%,满足IEC, ANSI, JIS精度要求,主要应用在数字电表,插入监视器,电器功率监测,服务器/电信,户外照明和荧光灯功率监视,LED照明镇流器等。本文介绍了CS5463主要特性,功能方框图,数据测量流程图,功率计算流程图,校准数据流程图,多种连接图,以及CRD5463PM功率监视参考设计主要特性,简化方框图,电路图和材料清单。

The CS5463 is an integrated power measurement device which combines two analog-to-digital converters, power calculation engine, energy-to-frequency converter, and a serial interface on a single chip. It is designed to accurately measure instantaneous current and voltage, and calculate VRMS, IRMS, instantaneous power, apparent power, active power, and reactive power for single-phase, 2- or 3-wire power metering applications.

The CS5463 is optimized to interface to shunt resistors or current transformers for current measurement, and to resistive dividers or potential transformers for voltage measurement. The CS5463 features a bi-directional serial interface for communication with a processor and a programmable energy-to-pulse output function.


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