TI 公司的TPS657051/52是小型(2-mm x 2-mm WCSP)封装的3路电源管理单元,主要用于嵌入照相机模块或其它手提低功耗消费类终端设备. TPS657051/52包括两个效率高达92%的400mA降压转换器,输入电压从3.3V到6V,固定工作频率2.25MH ,此外还有一个200mA LDO,其工作电压从1.7V到6.0V.本文介绍了TPS657051/52主要特性, 功能方框图, 应用电路和TPS657051/2EVM-522 评估模块主要特性,性能指标以及电路图和材料清单(BOM).
PMU for Embedded Camera Module
TPS657051/52 are small power management units targeted for embedded camera module or other portable low power consumer end equipments. It contains two high efficient step down converters, a low dropout linear regulator and additional supporting functions. The 2.25MHz step-down converter enters a low power mode at light load for maximum efficiency across the widest possible range of load currents. For low noise applications the devices can be forced into fixed frequency PWM mode using the MODE pin. The device allows the use of small inductors and capacitors to achieve a small sized solution. TPS657051/52 provides an output current of up to 400mA on both DCDC converters and integrates one 200mA LDO with different output settings.
Two 400mA Step-Down Converters
Up to 92% Efficiency
VIN Range for DCDC Converter From 3.3V to 6V