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Linear LTC4280热插拔控制方案

关键词:通信技术 热插拔 I2C

时间:2010-06-07 13:23:25       作者:Linear       来源:中电网

Linear 公司的LTC4280是带I2C兼容监视的热插拔控制器,从而允许板能安全插入和拔出带电的背板. LTC4280的I2C接口和板上8位ADC能监视负载电流,电压和故障状态.工作电压从2.9V到15V,可调过流滤波器时间,具有用于外接N-MOSFET的高边驱动,输入过压/欠压保护,主要用于带电板的插入,电路断路器,计算机和服务器以及平台管理.本文介绍LTC4280主要特性, 方框图, 带5A断路器的12V应用电路以及在背板中的典型应用电路.

LTC4280: Hot Swap Controller with I2C Compatible Monitoring

The LTC4280 Hot Swap™ controller allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Using an external N-channel pass transistor, board supply voltage
and inrush current are ramped up at an adjustable rate. An I2C interface and onboard ADC allow for monitoring of load current, voltage and fault status.

The device features adjustable analog foldback current limit and a FILTER pin which confi gures the time spent in overcurrent before declaring a fault. An I2C interface may confi gure the part to latch off or automatically restart after the LTC4280 detects a current limit fault.

The controller has additional features to interrupt the host when a fault has occurred, notify when output power is good, detect insertion of a load card, and power-up either
automatically upon insertion or wait for an I2C command to turn on.



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