Atmel公司的 AT42QT1110是数字突发模式电荷传输(QT)型电容传感器驱动器,可以用于任何的触摸键应用. AT42QT1110所有的信号处理功能,可在各种变化的条件下提供稳定的检测.,输出完全是去抖动的,仅需几个外接元件就可工作.本文介绍AT42QT1110主要特性和典型的几种应用电路.
The AT42QT1110 (QT1110) is a digital burst mode charge-transfer (QT™) capacitive sensor driver designed for any touch-key applications.
The keys can be constructed in different shapes and sizes. Refer to the Touch Sensors Design Guide and Application Note QTAN0002, Secrets of a Successful QTouch™ Design, for more information on construction and design methods (both downloadable from the Atmel® website).
The device includes all signal processing functions necessary to provide stable sensing under a wide variety of changing conditions, and the outputs are fully debounced. Only a few external parts are required for operation.
The QT1110 modulates its bursts in a spread-spectrum fashion in order to suppress heavily the effects of external noise, and to suppress RF emissions.
• Sensor Keys:
– Up to 11 QTouch™ channels
• Data Acquistion:
– Measurement of keys triggered either by a signal applied to the SYNC pin or at..