ST 公司的STEVAL-MKI062V1 (iNEMO)是基于STM32F103RE和MEMS的iNEMO平台,用来对大多数的惯性,温度和压力传感器的性能进行评估,能对加速度计,磁力计和陀螺仪以及压力和温度传感器的数据进行测量. STM32F103RE是高性能ARM® Cortex™-M3 32位RISC核处理器,工作频率72MHz,高速嵌入存储器(闪存多达512KB,SRAM多达64KB),有多种增强I/O和外设,连接到两个APB总线.本文介绍STM32F103RE主要特性和方框图,以及STEVAL-MKI062V1 (iNEMO™)传感器平台主要特性,电路图和材料清单.
iNEMO: iNErtial MOdule demonstration board based on MEMS sensors and the STM32F103RE
The STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD and STM32F103xE performance line family incorporates the high-performance ARM® Cortex™-M3 32-bit RISC core operating at a 72 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories (Flash memory up to 512 Kbytes and SRAM up to 64 Kbytes), and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. All devices offer three 12-bit ADCs, four general-purpose 16-bit timers plus two PWM timers, as well as standard and advanced communication interfaces: up to two I2Cs, three SPIs, two I2Ss, one SDIO, five USARTs, an USB and a CAN.