IR公司的IRS2530D是全特性的调光镇流器控制和半桥驱动器,可以实现简单的单片高性能调光镇流器解决方案.它采用闭环灯丝电流调光控制,内部具有非ZVS保护和峰值因子保护,预热时间可编程.本文主要介绍了IRS2530D主要特性和镇流器系统的主要特性, IRS2530D方框图,以及采用IRS2530D的IRPLCFL8U电路图和材料清单(BOM).
IRS2530D takes full advantage of IR’s patented ballast and high-voltage technologies to realize a simple, high-performance dimming ballast solution. A single high-voltage pin senses the half-bridge current and voltage to perform necessary ballast protection functions. The DC dim input voltage reference and the AC lamp current feedback have been coupled together allowing a single pin to be used for dimming. Combining these high-voltage control algorithms together with a simple dimming method in a single 8-pin IC results in a large reduction in component count, an increase in manufacturability and reliability, a reduced design cycle time, while maintaining high dimming ballast system performance
Dimming ballast control plus half-bridge driver
Closed-loop lamp current dimming control
Internal non-ZVS protection
Internal crest factor protection
Programmable preheat time
Fixed dead-time (2.0μs typ.)
Lamp insert auto-restart
Internal bootstrap MOSFET ..

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