Avago 公司的ALM-1712是 GPS 低噪音放大器前端模块,它把低噪音放大器(LNA)和GPS FBAR滤波器组合在一起. ALM-1712采用先进的GaAs E-pHEMT和FBAR技术,具有非常低的噪音,典型值为1.65dB,关断电六小于1uA,RF输入引脚的ESD大于3KV,电源电压可低到1.0V,并能通过单一外接电阻调整偏压电流.本文介绍了ALM-1712的主要特性, 演示板和应用电路框图, 演示板元件布局图和所用元件表以及S参数和测量参考平面.
ALM-1712: GPS Low-Noise Amplifier Front-end Module with Integrated Pre and Post Filters and Variable Current/Shutdown Function
Avago Technologies’ ALM-1712 is a GPS front-end module that combines a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with GPS FBAR filters. The LNA uses Avago Technologies’ proprietary GaAs Enhancement-mode pHEMT process to achieve high gain with very low noise figure and high linearity. Noise figure distribution is very tightly controlled. A CMOS-compatible shutdown pin is included either for turning the LNA on/off, or for current adjustment. The integrated filter utilizes an Avago Technologies’ leading-edge FBAR filter for exceptional rejection at Cell/PCS-Band frequencies.
The low noise figure and high gain, coupled with low current consumption make it suitable for use in critical low-power GPS applications or during low-battery situations.
Very Low Noise Figure : 1.65 dB typ..

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