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Atmel AT86RF212低功耗ZigBee收发方案

关键词:通信技术 ZigBee Atmel AT86RF212

时间:2009-07-16 16:07:00       来源:Atmel

Atmel 公司的AT86RF212是低功耗低电压700/800/900 MHz 收发器,特别设计用于IEEE Standard 802.15.4, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN以及高数据速率ISM应用. AT86RF212单片RF收发器提供了天线和微控制器间完整接口,包括有模拟无线电部分,包括时间和频率同步的数字调制和解调, 以及数据缓冲功能.接收灵敏度高达-110dBm,可编程TX输出功率高达+10dBm,工作电压从1.8V到3.6V,内部有电压稳压器和电池监视器,工作温度-40度C到85度C.本文介绍了AT86RF212的主要特性和方框图,以及基本应用电路图和所用的材料清单.此外还介绍了扩展特性应用电路图.

The AT86RF212 is a low-power, low-voltage 700/800/900 MHz transceiver specially
designed for the IEEE Standard 802.15.4, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, and high data rate ISM
applications. For the sub-1 GHz bands, it supports low data rates (20 and 40 kbit/s) of
the IEEE Standard 802.15.4-2003 [2] and provides optional data rates (100 and 250
kbit/s) using O-QPSK, according to the IEEE Standard 802.15.4-2006 [1] and the
respective IEEE P802.15.4c Draft Amendment [3]. Furthermore, proprietary High Data
Rate Modes up to 1000 kbit/s can be employed.
The AT86RF212 is a true SPI-to-antenna solution. RF-critical components except the
antenna, crystal, and de-coupling capacitors are integrated on-chip. MAC and AES
hardware accelerators improve overall system power efficiency and timing...


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