On Semi 公司的180W LCD TV电源和逆变器解决方案适用于输入电压从85-265 V ac, 47-63 Hz,具有功率因子修正,与IEC61000-3-2兼容,稳态功率50W,峰值可达60W,提供12V,5V和24V电压,逆变器具有100W功率,工作电压大于800Vac,固定频率逆变器可在40-80 kHz间调整.主要用于32” LCD-TV.本文介绍了参考设计的详细电路图和各部分电路图以及材料清单.
On Semi 180 W High Voltage LCD TV Power and Integrated Inverter Supply
This reference document describes a built-and-tested, GreenPointTM solution for and LCD-TV Integrated Power Supply (LIPS) that combines the main system power with the backlight inverter. In this architecture the inverter is directly powered from a high voltage rail (HV-LIPS) to improve the system power conversion efficiency and simplify the overall architecture by eliminating a power conversion stage. In this reference design, the inverter is configured to power 12 cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL). All the circuitry is resident in on a single PCB as might be found in a 32” LCD-TV. This reference design circuit consists of a single-sided 175 mm x 330 mm printed circuit board designed to fit into the chassis of a LCD-TV. The height is 25 mm.
Critical Design Objectives
Input Voltage: Universal input 85-265 V ac, 47-63 Hz

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