安森美(On Semi)公司的CAT4103是3路恒流LED驱动器,设计用来控制RGB LED,它不需要电感和有低噪音的特性.LED通路电流可通过外接电阻进行编程,高达175mA.高速4线25MHz串口,采用移位寄存器和闭锁配置来控制每个通路.工作电压3V到5.5V,并具有热关断特性. CAT4103可用于多种色彩智能LED建筑物照明,高亮度LED信号和显示以及LCD背景光.本文介绍了CAT4103的主要特性, 功能方框图, 典型应用电路图以及级联电路图, CAT4103EVAL评估板电路图和评估板元件列表.
The CAT4103 is a 3-channel, linear based constant-current LED driver designed for RGB LED control, requiring no inductor and provides a low noise operation. LED channel currents up to 175mA are programmed independently via separate external resistors. Low output voltage operation of 0.4V at 175mA allows for more power efficient designs across wider supply voltage range. The three LED pins are compatible with high voltage up to 25V supporting applications with long strings of LEDs.
A high-speed 4-wire 25MHz serial interface controls each individual channel using a shift register and latch configuration. Output data pins allow multiple devices to be cascaded and programmed via one serial interface with no need for external drivers or timing considerations. The device also includes a blanking control pin (BIN) that can be used to disable all channels independently of the interface.

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