Maxim 公司的MAX17061A是高效8串白光LED驱动器,适用于大型LCD显示器. MAX17061A内部集成了驱动LED阵列的开关电流模式升压控制器,该阵列可配置成并联8串LED,每串10个LED.每串的电流精度为±1.5%,从而保证了LED亮度的均匀性. MAX17061A的工作电压从7.5V到26V,固定电流25mA或可调整的从15mA到30mA,广泛用在笔记本电脑, 平板电脑(Tablet Computer)显示器,汽车电子系统和手持终端.本文介绍了MAX17061A的主要特性, 典型工作电路, 控制电路方框图以及PWM和SMBus接口电路.
8-String White LED Driver with SMBus for LCD Panel Applications
The MAX17061A is a high-efficiency driver for white lightemitting diodes (LEDs). It is designed for large liquidcrystal displays (LCDs) that employ an array of LEDs as the light source. An internal switch current-mode step-up controller drives the LED array, which can be configured for up to eight strings in parallel and 10 LEDs per string.
Each string is terminated with ballast that achieves ±1.5% current-regulation accuracy between strings, ensuring even LED brightness. The MAX17061A has a wide input voltage range from 7.5V to 26V, and provides a fixed 25mA or adjustable 15mA to 30mA full-scale LED current.

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